Sunday, December 18, 2011

Another Labyrinth inspired design

Mostly clothing and hair style. More stylized than the other one (which is how most of my drawings are done, super cartoony. Didn't fly well in drawing class.) but I still like it. Makes me want to flat color it. :3

I'm in love with drawing hair. Is that weird?

Warrior Girl

A sketch that I did while watching a Jim Henson movie haha. Kinda inspired by Princess Mononoke but I didn't use any reference pictures. I like the war paint designs. :3

Strange desire to color this in pastels hmmm

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Got a Tumblr

if you wish to check it out :D

THe Hipster Quiz to be completed at a later date

Want to know where you stand in everybody’s favourite contemporary subculture? Simply take the quiz below to find out! If you answer positively to the following questions, add up your points and you’ll soon find out how hipster you really are.
Do you wear glasses with thick black rims? (5 points)
Do you need them? (10 points for No)
Is your hair longer on one side than the other? (10 points)Do you own a Mac? (10 points)Was your profile picture on Facebook taken with Photo Booth? (15 points)Do you enjoy Wes Anderson movies? (5 points)Does your bedroom look like the sets on Wes Anderson movies? (10 points)
Do you smoke cigarettes? (5 points)
Do you only smoke cigarettes when there’s someone around to see you smoking them? (10 points)
Do you have tattoos of an anchor, key, pin-up model or swirly writing?(5 points)
Do you have a chest tattoo? (10 points)
Did your friends do any of your tattoos for you at a party? (15 points)
Are any of your tattoos quotes from Charles Bukowski, Kurt Vonnegut, or Jack Kerouac novels? (20 points)Do you use Instagram, Tumblr, Google Plus, or Lookbook? (Add 5 points for each website used)
Scaled Questions
Add 1 point for every band you listen to that has a woodland creature in their title. (Up to 5 points)
Add 1 point for every clothing item you own sold by American Apparel or Urban Outfitters. (Up to 5 points)
Add 1 point for every photo on your Facebook that was taken by a professional photographer at a bar. (Up to 10 points)
Add 1 point for every time you remember someone saying “Who are they?” when you spoke about a band you like. (Up to 10 points)Add 1 point for every cup of tea you’ve consumed in the past week. (Up to 10 points)
Add 1 point for every time you’ve visited a cafĂ© in the past month. (Up to 10 points)
Do you have facial hair? (5 points)
Do you have a moustache? (10 points)
Do you wear V-neck shirts? (5 points)
Is chest hair visible out of the top of these shirts? (10 points)Do you like to think of yourself as a poor man’s Hank Moody? (10 points)
On a scale of 1-10, how tight are your jeans? (Add your chosen number)
Add 1 point for each ironic t-shirt you own. (Up to 10 points)Did you spend a lot of time carefully making your hair messy today? (20 points)  
Do you wear oversized sweaters? (5 points)Do you still wear them even if it’s hot outside? (10 points)
Do you wear leggings/tights as pants? (5 points)
Do you ride a bicycle with a basket on the front? (10 points)
Do you try to avoid looking directly at the camera lens when someone is taking a photo of you? (10 points)
On a scale of 1-10, how much do you look like Zooey Deschanel? (Add your chosen number)
Add 1 point for each skirt/dress that you own with a floral print. (Up to 10 points)Did you wear anything from a thrift store today? (20 points)
Final Question
Were you at all offended by this highly satirical, overgeneralised quiz?(20 points)
1 - 100 - Not that much of a hipster. You’ve barely got any hipster characteristics. While some hipsters may look down on you for being too mainstream, at least you look like you have somewhere to live.
100 - 200 - Pretty hipster. You might be a denim jacket away from full hipsterdom, but you’re still capable of successfully defending yourself when called a hipster in a derogatory fashion.
200 - 300 - Full hipster. You’re so hipster your handwriting is in Helvetica. I’d talk more about you, but you’re so underground that I probably haven’t heard of you anyway.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lovely Complex Finale

It took me nine months to finish this short anime only because I didn't want it to end but tonight it ended and this was/on some level is still me:


Why must you tug at my heart strings so, LoveCom?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Art is sophisticated

So this weekend we had to draw a contour study of major edges. Okay yeah. It's a self portrait. Again sure, self explanatory. Of us wearing a paper bag on our heads. Wait- what?

Needless to say the other art classes probably thought our drawing 2 class suspected the coming of Extraterrestrials and were woefully lacking in aluminum foil hats.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why I'm doing illustration

Alright so here's the deal, mostly an epiphany for myself.

I figured out what I will do should I go into some sort of illustration field. I want to storyboard. Or concept art but I'd need a lot of color practice for that.

It's perfect for me. Things can be a little rough and expression, fluidity of movements seem to be key. It's also about developing a story, something I love to do. I love creating characters and my art style tends to verge on the overly simply and cartoonish.  Storyboarding would be the best thing I could do with an illustration interest. Now I have a goal, something to work toward.

both of these are from Disney's Tangled Concept art. I love this.

Oh, from that movie My Neighbor?

I had left over black paint for a 2-D project that I was working on so I decided to paint totoro with it. (Having recently acquired it from my sister for my birthday)
In art lesson Number 1:

Owls of Autumn

It's that time of year again, when summer slowly gives it's dying breaths over to the colors and crisp autumn. Let your home smell of cinnamon spice yankee candles and enjoy the leaves until it rains and you have to rake up that sloppy mess. Break out the light sweaters and boots with dresses (eeee! :D) and start baking your little heart out.

Or you know, you would do all those things if you lived anywhere else but Florida: Land of Two Seasons. Summer and Brief Winter. So low 90's in the weather forecast and the trees are palm trees. The only tell tale sign of fall here is what everyone else is talking about up north and the annual flood of Snow Birds to our beaches. Welcome to our beaches Ontario! 

Friday, July 29, 2011

Moving Up(literally) and Out

So the reason I've been pretty inactive lately is because the school year is almost up and it's time for me to move out of my dorm that I've spent my first year in college at.

It's funny because my pack rat mentality has really screwed me over.

Two suitcases full of clothes and I still have all the drawers to empty out! Too many shoes than I could ever want. And how could I throw away my constantly expanding string collection? (Who knows when you might need those strings again?)

Also I discovered I had a penchant for stuffing all my "unworthy" art under the bed in a big ripped, taped up mess. Time for some serious post spring/even late summer cleaning!

So case in point, while this move is being performed and I have my two finals up and coming, I will not be artistic and or humorous as both require some sort of mental mindset made (lookit that alliteration!) impossible by my current frantic state to complete everything.

So hang tight. My all of maybe one watcher who isn't really interested in a prolonged hiatus since I never post anything anyway.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tumblr Timewaster

This happens way too often. Especially when I'm supposed to be doing something else. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Art Block of Fail

Sorry for not being able to post any art lately. I've been in a major art block both creatively and qualitatively. I can't seem to draw anything good. I'm going to try an approach where I take clothing designs and models and draw them from various fashion sites. Hopefully this will help my art and style. However I won't start til this weekend at earliest.

I am currently working on a logo design that may or may not be used and I am celebrating Bastille day and Harry Potter premier at the end of this week, so pretty busy!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Questions for Procrastination

More than you ever wanted to know

1. Three things I want to say to three different people. 
a. I'm so happy for you!
b. Is this weird?
c. What do I doooo?
2. One of my insecurities.
being tall
3. What turns me on.
sexy thoughts
4. One of my bad habits.
talking to myself in a public setting
5. Who I wish I could be.
this girl! But I kinda like who I am as well. 

6. Where I want to be right now.

7. The last thing I ate.

8. Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately.
it's the scottish accent, really. I'd be like "Speak MORE wordsssss.... <3" :D

9. What song I’m currently listening to.
 The Luckiest- Ben Folds

10. The last time I cried and why.
Frustrations, and it wasn't really cry... so much as inward suffering
11. Something I’m excited about.
Riot (A dubstep night at our local college hangout place)
12. 5 things I like about myself and 5 things I dislike about myself.
because I have no mental ability to use the alphabet to the 5th time
1. My personality
2. My eyes
3. My friends
4. My awesome taste in music
5. My worldly sense

1. My poor decision making skills
2. My regret at the above
3. My second guessing everything and overthinking
4. My shyness in first meeting someone OR
5. My judgement and sarcasm towards people I ASSUME I will not like
13. Three things I want right now.
1. MOAR raisinets! I went through the bag D:
2. Better concentration and study ethic
3. Stress relieving fun!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Kingdom Dance Tangled

So for a while I had been working on this drawing on and off. But all in all it took maybe 5-8 hours of drawing, and photoshop work? Wow... I really need to get faster at all this.

NO stealing, or removal of the website from the image or I will be forced to watermark all over my art!
Seriously, I may or may not want to use this in a portfolio some day.

Overall I'm happy with the design. (First time doing that position of the head so yay!) But I think the shading could be better (I used/abused the dodge and burn tools as a cop out.) And if I could redo someday I would make the skin tanner for color scheme reasons.

Also inspired by a much better portrayal of the scene here:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


So from a spawning of some conversation at Jurassic Park at Universal Studios in FL, I give you....


Monday, June 27, 2011

My life is Internet

OH goodness GAIZ I've found a new webcomic!
*Goes under a rock for a few months*

This rain storm is killing me

Painterly Practice

Just a practice at digital painting skills. I really like the hair and body but the face disappoints me beyond words. It was kind of a crappy drawing but the paint style is the focus anyway. I need more practice. :(

Monday, June 20, 2011

I have a problem

In the past 15 minutes I've managed to find FOUR new blogs to follow. This is why it would be absolutely lethal for me to have a StumbleUpon. However I may need to get a Tumblr just to follow OTHER TUMBLRS.

Hmmm maybeeeeee

Internet Addiction! D:

Friday, June 17, 2011


Confession time: My guilty pleasure is....


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mermaid, The Logical Way

So me and boyfriend were talking and somehow got on the subject of mermaids. He brought up a good point that it would be physically impossible for a mermaid and a sailor to "get together" being how fish "mate". (Not going into detail, you want detail, check out Animal Planet!)

So he thought that the upper part of a mermaid should be the fish part and the lower should be the female part. I'm sure what he was thinking of was some majestic creature, but this is what first popped into my head:

I blame him.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

First Figure Drawing Class Everrrr

So today I was able to attend an open studio figure drawing class at another school off campus. After getting over the initial shock of there being a naked person that I'd be staring at for uncomfortable lengths of time, it was actually really beneficial. Especially since I'm determined to, if not keep up, get a head start on my other class mates who blew me out of the water last semester. I was also blown away by the amazing talent that was sketching and painting all around me in that studio. Mostly older, they seemed masters and I could only drool in awe at the beautiful creations they were popping out in a minimal time. It was incredible and I left wishing I could somehow acquire 20+ years of experience just by poking those folks in the kidney or something. Alas, through hard work and copying being inspired by the greats, I may one day be an old art wizard showing up all those youngsters and their fancy art supplies. What Hootenanny!

(Also I love how my spell check corrected by misspelling of Hootenanny, how could I? Thanks, Spellcheck! :D  )

I've only uploaded my favorites, I did way more but none really good enough to showcase here. Also PARENTAL WARNING: SOME NUDITY AHOY!

5 min

20 min

20 min

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


My dorm smells like barbecue for some reason.

I don't know whether I like it or not.....

because no one made barbecue

gif from photobucket

Monday, May 23, 2011

Edward Scissorhands Doodle Page

Something I did while watching the fabulous movie. I really didn't like Kim the first couple of times I watched it but now I can't help liking the couple, they are so cute to draw together! The words next to the creepy smile thing say "What if... the other machine was used?" Referencing the beginning sequence where it showed those smiling stamp things in the assembly line. I don't know... Also my scanner blurred some of it  :(

Them Dames the Cat's Meow

Drew a couple of Flappers in Pin up style. Because what goes better with Flappers then pinup? hahahaha NOTHING!

Also to enhance the viewing pleasure

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hey Look! I drew Tangled!

A fanart from tangled that I did last christmas, picture referenced from a scene in the movie. I'm not sure if it's worthy of being cleaned up or anything, there are too many flaws to count.

I like drawing hair. is that weird?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This got printed! :D

SO here is the FINAL FINAL version I did! Who is Brad? What's up with the dots? Look up Roy Lichtenstein art and see for yourself!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pop Art Finished

I used a photo of Katy Perry from her album of the "Thinking of You" song

Work in progress Pop Art

so this is what I've been working on. It's for a art history project... I took a picture of Katy Perry from the "Thinking of You" album and am transforming it into Roy Lichtenstein-esque popart! yayayayayayayay

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sucker Punch Sketch

So instead of dealing with real life adult things like I should be doing, I sketched this picture of Babydoll from the movie Sucker Punch. The Song is Where is My Mind sung by the actress herself. It's very good and I'm sorry if the picture doesn't look like her at all but it's my style and I was working from a screen cap.

also yay! My horrible hand writing! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I got a request to do a modified version of the logo for Jurassic Park. The concept was a chicken because of the fact that scientists are being dicks with nature and trying to genetically engineer a chicken/dinosaur hybrid.
I thought it would be something like Poultra off Jimmy Neutron:

But I guess all they have so far is chickens with teeth. A scary concept in of itself!

Anyway How this all relates is that for his speech he wanted to talk about how people should invest in the newest form of fast food dinery: Kentucky Fried Dinosaur.

You can bet I'm going to jump on that bandwagon.

So here's the final product I came up with:

Template is copyright Jurassic Park and no I'm not making money off of this.  I wish...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Basenji Hound

So recently I was talking with my roomate about different dog species and learned of a quite unusual dog: The Basenji Hound.

Now what makes this dog different from all other dogs is that it doesn't actually bark. "OH THANK GOD" say the people currently residing next to a yappy rat/puppy. But wait, the Basenji does not bark because it yodels.

That's right. Yodels. It's a yodeling dog.

Now the first thing that I imagined was some really anamorphous looking stupid dog prancing about the neighborhood haphazardly yodeling it's little heart out in sheer euphoria.

My second thought was what would owners of this pet do? Or better yet how would the neighbors react? "Oh there goes Steve and his yodeling dog." "Oh god, not again." They'd sneer.

Oh those poor fools.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

MidTerm Crisis

Hey so actual class stuff! I meant to upload these things sooner buttttttt my camera died so I have to use my mac. SO! This is my midterm still life. He said to avoid value and just focus on measure, line quality, and the like so here it is. I'm done. I've been working on it for like two weeks and I'm so over with it! The worst part is that it's not up to par with the others' midterms. But, honestly, any illustrating I'm going to do is not going to be still life soooo as long as I pass without too much of a hit on my grade. I'm good.